Elder Care Groups
Elder Care Groups
One way we support parishes wanting to address the issue of social isolation experienced by older people is through setting up Elder Care Groups. These groups are based on a successful model already established in Auckland by the Selwyn Foundation.
The groups aim to address social isolation among older people and have a strong emphasis on all aspects of health and well-being including spiritual. They offer programmes (usually half day) of exercise, social and other activities focussed on well-being and friendship. The staff and volunteers are trained in the particular needs of older people and alert to the challenges faced by people in today's society. Their work is supported by health professionals who are available to the groups as required. Elder Care Groups operate as a partnership between Anglican Care and parishes, and have ongoing support from the Selwyn Foundation.
There are currently nine groups operating in parishes in the Christchurch area and one in Timaru. We have focused on small groups – 12-18 guests – so that a high level of individual care can be offered.