Elder Care Groups
Mission and Fresh Expressions for Older People
Title A Mission-Shaped Church for Older People? Practical Suggestions for Local Churches
Editor Michael Collyer, Claire Dalpra, Alison Johnson and James Woodward
Publisher Church Army & The Leveson Centre
Title People Try to Put Us Down: Fresh Expressions with Older People.
Author George Lings.
Publisher Church Army , Encounters on the Edge series (40) 2008
Title Reaching the Saga Generation: fresh Expressions of Church for Ageing Baby Boomers
Author Chris Harrington
Publisher Grove Books Limited Cambridge, 2008
Pastoral Ministry
Title Crying in the Wilderness: Giving Voice to Older People in the Church
Authors Graham Hawley and Albert Jewell
Publisher MHA Group, Derby 2009. Source:
Title Valuing Age: Pastoral Ministry with Older People.
Author James Woodward
Publisher SPCK London, 2008
Title A Vision for the Aging Church: Renewing Ministry for and by Seniors
Author James M. Houston, Michael Parker
Publisher InterVarsity Press, 2011
Title Growing in Age: Ageing in today’s society.
Author Anne Millar
Publisher Wellington New Zealand: Philip Garside Publishing Ltd., 2001
Title Being Your Age: Pastoral Care for Older People
Author Michael Butler and Ann Orbach
Publisher SPCK Great Britain 1993
Title Understanding the Senior Adult
Author Lois D. Knutson
Publisher The Alban Institute, 1999.
Title Creating Welcoming Churches: A disability resource for faith communities.
Author/Publisher Disability, Spirituality and Faith Network, Aotearoa New Zealand Inc. 2014.
Ageing and Spirituality
Title Still Praying...? Simeon and Anna: Exploring Spirituality in Ageing
Author Graham Keyes
Publisher Grove Books Limited Cambridge, 2008
Title The Spiritual Dimension of Ageing
Author Elizabeth MacKinlay
Publisher London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsly Publishers, 2001
Title Winter Grace: Spirituality and Aging.
Author Kathleen Fischer
Publisher Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1998.
Title Spirited Ageing: cultivating the art of renewal.
Author Juliet Batten
Publisher Ishtar Books, New Zealand, 2013
Title God, Me and Being Very Old: Stories and Spirituality in Later Life
Author Keith Albans and Malcolm Johnson (editors)
Publisher SCM Press UK, 2013
Title Living Well and Dying Faithfully: Christian Practices for End of Life Care
Author John Swinton and Richard Payne (editors)
Publisher William B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009
Dementia and Spirituality
Title A Guide to the Spiritual Care of People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia:
More than Body, Brain and Breath
Author Eileen Shamy
Publisher London and New York: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2003
Title: In a Strange Land: People with Dementia and the Local Church
Author/editor Malcolm Goldsmith
Publisher 4M Publications, Great Britain, 2004.
Title No Act of Love is Ever Wasted: The Spirituality of Caring for Persons with Dementia
Author Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L. Morgan
Publisher Upper Room Books, Nashville, 2009
Title The New Zealand Dementia Guide
Author Dr Chris Perkins
Publisher New Zealand: Random House, 2004
Title Growing Dementia-Friendly Churches: A Practical Guide
Authors Revd Margaret Goodall and Revd Gaynor Hammond
Publisher Methodist Homes (MHA) and Christians on Ageing (CCOA)
Ageing & Society, Canterbury University Press
Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, American Society on Aging, and Centre for Aging and Pastoral Studies, published by Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group
Resources for Rest Home Ministry
Title Creative Ideas for Ministry with the Aged
Author Sue Pickering
Publisher Canterbury Press, 2014
Publications from the Christian Council on Ageing. CCOA, now known as Christians on Ageing, is a charity supported by all the main Christian Churches in the United Kingdom. Their website leads to a number of useful resources and through it you can order their publications such as:
Visiting Older People (ed. Michael Butler)
Worship in Residential Care (ed. Michael Butler).
PARCHE publish a number of resources including 50 Bible Studies for Use in Care Homes and Other Small Groups and 50 Services of Christian Worship.
Upper Room Books have two booklets in the 28 Days of Prayer Series published in 2011, Aging Faithfully and The Struggles of Care-giving. Two further booklets published by Upper Room Books: Living with purpose in a Worn-Out Body: Spiritual Encouragement for Older Adults by Missy Buchanan and Talking with God in Old Age: Meditations and Psalms.
Scripture Union publishes a booklet in its ‘Being with God’ series called Words of Peace: A Bible and Prayer Guide for people with dementia. This resource includes a CD of carefully compiled hymns and songs.
Loving Kindness in the Land of Forgetfulness is a CD of well-known hymns sung by the Durham Street (CHCH) Methodist choir. Conductor, organist: Wallace Woodley. The hymns are chosen to have special meaning for the older people including sufferers from Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. Most are taken from the Methodist Hymn Book. (Recorded September 1993.) CDs $15.00 each – booklet of lyrics $2.00 plus p&p (in NZ) $5.00
Available from Christchurch Central Methodist Church, P.O. Box 6374, Riccarton, Christchurch 8442, New Zealand. Please make your cheque payable to “Durham Street Methodist Choir”
This is a useful resource for providing hymns that can be easily sung; a booklet of the words can also be purchased.
Training for Pastoral Care
Pastoral Partner Program. Available through MediaCom Education Inc. Australia, this resource comes with manuals for the co-ordinator and those in training (the pastoral partners).
Prepared to Care: Pastoral Care and Visiting, 1996, published by the Methodist Publishing House, United Kingdom. An eight week course which can be borrowed from Theology House Library, Christchurch. See Theology House catalogue on its website for details.
Developing the Caring Community: A ten week Course in Pastoral Care Ministry for Laity by Dennis Butcher published by the Alban Institute, 1994.
Looking to borrow books and resources ?
Theology House in Christchurch is a good place to start. Theology House (TH) is the operational name of the College House Institute of Theology (CHIT), a theology and ministry resourcing centre which is an independent charitable body.
Theology House is located at the Anglican Centre 95 Tuam Street Christchurch. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.30-4pm, telephone 03 341 3399.
The John Kinder Theological Library
The John Kinder Theological Library is the library and archive for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tireni, ki Ngā Moutere o Te Moana Nui a Kiwa. It was formerly known as the Kinder Library, St John’s Theological College.
The collection includes 100,000 books and other resources, as well as a growing collection of e-books and e-journals. Most resources are in the subject areas of Biblical study, theology, ministry, Anglicanism, church history, missions and pastoral care. There are smaller collections of Maori and Pacific resources, and extensive print, archive and manuscript collections in church history for New Zealand and parts of the Pacific.
The Library is a resource for the whole Anglican Church, not just for St John's College but also for the Methodist Church of New Zealand Te Hāhi Weteriana O Aotearoa. It holds the former library from Trinity Methodist Theological College which has been on the St John's College campus since 1973.
The John Kinder Theological Library Te Puna Atuatanga is open Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 7:00pm, Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm and Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm.